75. Knowing Me, Knowing you!

Christmas of 1980 was a good one. No T.V. Dinner turkey.  (I’ll save that one for another day) The sisters had moved out of the house, so I had all the presents for myself! I got the usual Beano annual, assorted chocolates etc. But the one thing I got that I still love to this day isContinue reading “75. Knowing Me, Knowing you!”

73. Piracy, TV and Dreams.

I was going to write a nice long piece about going shopping at supermarkets, but quite frankly it bored the hell out of me. So I scrapped that for now. I tried, honest I did to finish it, but it just wasn’t going anywhere.So it was time to move on and write about something else. WhichContinue reading “73. Piracy, TV and Dreams.”

67. I Dream About Movies.

They say that genius and insanity are not that different. Well this blog entry is leaning way to the left of the latter. Probably the dumbest thing I’ve done in a while and for sure a huge waste of time.  I’ve mentioned my before my passion for lists before a couple of times and now I’veContinue reading “67. I Dream About Movies.”

64. I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead.

Just a quick note to all the spammers that have been hitting the blog lately, I have a spam guard so not one single one of your comments is going to make it on to my blog, so knock it off. I’d like to appologize about that lack of posts lately, I have been veryContinue reading “64. I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead.”

59. Music Memories

I was going to blog about cheese. In fact I had about 300 words written on cheese when I realised that for one it wasn’t very interesting and for two I was getting really hungry. So being the good hunter/gatherer that I am, I sent the wife out for chinese food. If I can manage toContinue reading “59. Music Memories”

55. Sho Nuff!

When I was younger I had a bad habbit. I would watch movies over and over. I’m not talking once in a while, I would watch a movie, rewind the tape (no DVDs then) and watch it over again. The Star Wars movies were a favorite, they were always in my VCR. Then in 1985Continue reading “55. Sho Nuff!”

50. Movie Night.

Before I ramble on, lets just take note of the milestone here. The 50th entry on this blog, over 2000 hits now too. I guess I must be doing something right? There are very few times when you get woken from a deep sleep and think “Cool.” There are plenty of things that you don’t wantContinue reading “50. Movie Night.”

40. LIsts

Welcome to the 40th entry on my blog. Since starting this blog in November I’ve been amazed at all the feedback I’ve had, and as I type I see I have close to 1500 visits. That is fantastic, I think my last blog didn’t get that many hits in four years! So a big thankContinue reading “40. LIsts”

14. Highlander

Every once in a while I shall talk about a movie. I mentioned that Star Wars saga recently for different reasons. The movies I mention from now on in will be because I was hooked on them in some cultish way or that for some reason I feel like I was the only person whoeverContinue reading “14. Highlander”

9. Star Wars

A long time ago, in a continent far, far away live a small boy whose father wasn’t an evil dictator ruling the universe.  When I was young I was never caught up in hype over things, for the most part I’m still not, but in 1977 I was totally clueless to the world-wide phenomenon thatContinue reading “9. Star Wars”