75. Knowing Me, Knowing you!

Christmas of 1980 was a good one. No T.V. Dinner turkey.  (I’ll save that one for another day) The sisters had moved out of the house, so I had all the presents for myself! I got the usual Beano annual, assorted chocolates etc. But the one thing I got that I still love to this day isContinue reading “75. Knowing Me, Knowing you!”

74. The Tale of the Missing Glasses

Before I go on with the Tale of the Missing Glasses I would like to mention a few things. First of all, within the next few days my blog will pass the 10,000 hits mark which amazes me totally.  When I started writing it was just to grumble on about wasted youth and all theContinue reading “74. The Tale of the Missing Glasses”

73. Piracy, TV and Dreams.

I was going to write a nice long piece about going shopping at supermarkets, but quite frankly it bored the hell out of me. So I scrapped that for now. I tried, honest I did to finish it, but it just wasn’t going anywhere.So it was time to move on and write about something else. WhichContinue reading “73. Piracy, TV and Dreams.”

71. Hurrumph, or How I became a Grumpy Old Git.

I don’t know why I started to think about this today, but wishing for things, or wanting things that you never get seemed to pop into my head. Theres been a lot of things I’ve wanted and never gotten. But as you get older these things get less, though more focused on certain things. LetsContinue reading “71. Hurrumph, or How I became a Grumpy Old Git.”

69. Soccercation or When I’m Sixty-Four.

The world is a curious place. So many things to do, so many places to visit. And in all my forty-two years I’ve visited very little of it, which is kind of sad really. I’ve travelled, less than some, more than a few others. If I was to put a finger on it, I would sayContinue reading “69. Soccercation or When I’m Sixty-Four.”

57. Bliss.

May third of 2012 is a special day in my household. Ten Years ago  my Wife and I got married. In the glamorous settings of Port Huron Court House we said the “I do’s” and then went off for a meal at Applebees to celebrate.  Yes it was a plain and simple event. All of myContinue reading “57. Bliss.”

48. Have A Nice Day.

I am your average Englishman. I like my beer, love my football, pick faults with everything and think I have all the answers. My teeth are bad, but that’s just me. I think Americans have worse teeth than the Brits.  I love tradition, hate change, and can be grouchy at the flick of a switch.Continue reading “48. Have A Nice Day.”

47. Random Things.

I am a geek! I’m proud of that fact. I find things fascinating that others wouldn’t give two hoots about. I love trivia, interesting facts and such like. Thinking about it, if I let all the random stuff out of my brain, I would have plenty of room for actual useful stuff. Like remembering myContinue reading “47. Random Things.”

42. Detroit.

Before I start I just want to point out the excellent words in the sidebar written by Anchorman Stephen Clark of WXYZ Channel 7 Detroit. Stephen is the ringleader of the #backchannel on twitter, and an all round super nice guy. Big thank you Stephen. This entry is about how I ended up here, and a fewContinue reading “42. Detroit.”