54. Look-In Magazine.

For you regular readers, a big HELLO, and to you newcomers, HELLO! I hope you hang around. The blog passed the 3000 hit mark this week which is a great achievement, thank you all for stopping by. Make sure you leave a comment to let me know you were here! The 1970s was a great decade.Continue reading “54. Look-In Magazine.”

34. Love/Hate

A while ago I posted about my first love, now as promised is part two, Love/Hate. I want to admit something now, it’s kind of hard to talk about, but as they say if you get it out in the open, someone else can suffer along with you. Back in 1977 I tried something,  IContinue reading “34. Love/Hate”

4. 1979-80 Panini Football Sticker Book

The following year after I sold my soul to Ipswich Town FC a strange thing happened. I decided to buy a copy of Shoot Magazine. I was not normally a Shoot reader. I’d recently been let down by my newsagent over a missing pair of x-ray glasses that were “supposed” to be there in myContinue reading “4. 1979-80 Panini Football Sticker Book”

3. My Biology Project

1984 was a good year. The Toy Dolls released Nellie the Elephant, so all was well in the universe. Nothing ever could go wrong. I was going to County Upper School in Bury St.Edmunds and doing what all kids of my kind do. Try to fit in. I had more than one zip on myContinue reading “3. My Biology Project”