62. Wax on, Wax off.

  It’s not until you start writing these things down that you start to realise how much you have done in your lifetime. I’ve packed quiet a bit in to my forty something years. And whats scary is, there is so much more to write about! From the late 1980s to the mid 1990s I metContinue reading “62. Wax on, Wax off.”

46. Burried Treasure, Ghosts and Ducks.

The weather this week in Michigan has been more than superb. As I’ve told a lot of people I believe I am solar-powered. There is nothing better than finding a sunbeam and recharging the batteries. Of course if that doesn’t work there is always coffee. When I was a youngster everyday was full of sunshine,Continue reading “46. Burried Treasure, Ghosts and Ducks.”

24. Work and How to Survive It.

I left school at the age of sixteen and went off to work. I could /should have stayed in school but as I had no interest in education that really wasn’t an option.  As I think I’ve said elsewhere in this blog, I think that I’d have done a lot better at school if someoneContinue reading “24. Work and How to Survive It.”

22. Music News

The following is an official press release.  All major news media can contact for interviews. As of today December 16th 2011, the rock band known as The Royal Culprits will be making no further attempts to hit the big time in the music business and have decided that it is time to do something moreContinue reading “22. Music News”

16. Knock Down Ginger

I was talking to my old pal Lee Culley this morning and mentioned that he should come look at this blog because I’d mentioned him in a previous post.  We got to talking about our kids and how they have no respect and I reminded him that we were no different. We were from theContinue reading “16. Knock Down Ginger”

15. Shirts for Goalposts

Times have changed, somethings for better, some for worse. I look at the way my kids relax and play when they are on their own time, they either have a cell phone in hand or are facebooking about something they heart or have the Playstation loaded up playing some game that I have no idea how toContinue reading “15. Shirts for Goalposts”

13. Young Ones

It’s hard to really know what influenced you in life. What makes you the person that you are.  My Father was a big influence on my sence of humour and my outlook on things. After he died in 1981 I had to find other role models. The 1981 Ipswich Town team taught me that everyContinue reading “13. Young Ones”

12. Driving Nowhere

As I am starting out this latest entry I would like to point out something. When I say I wasted time on these things this does not mean that I hated wasting the time. Far from it (in most cases) in fact, I would do it all again (probably) given half the chance! Now thisContinue reading “12. Driving Nowhere”